April 13 ~ 16
Denver is the first city where Mrs. Eu served as a regional director and also the last city in this tour. It is an alpha and omega for her.
After Bridgeport, Denver is another of the rare cities pastored by second generation, and Mike and Adonia are co-pastors here. On our arrival day we had lunch at their home, where they are raising four lovely children. Here a second generation girl Gloria joined our table, who turned out to be another admirer of Mrs. Eu’s book A Testimony. In our program she introduced Mrs. Eu while showing the book.
The day after our program was Sunday. Mike gave Sunday sermon, where he presented the vision of an all-inclusive church based on Rev. Moon’s teaching of true love.
Mike and Adonia’s ministry seems to be making an impact, and Denver church is growing. I’ve been told that during the three years of their ministry many young members (mostly second generation) moved to Denver, and every week the church is getting 10~20 guests (new and returning, including children). The young couples are playing active roles in the church. Furthermore, Mike and Adonia started a weekly conference call with the second generation pastors across the States, where they support one another and share ideas.
I can see that Mike and Adonia are pastors with a sense of mission, not those who just “go with the flow”. They are a beautiful and happy couple, which provides the driving force behind their success. I wholeheartedly agree with their emphasis on the need for a clear sense of direction, the importance of asking “why” at every step of the way, which will enable one to make important steps forward without drowning in details. The minute one starts asking “why” seriously, everything becomes much simpler. Furthermore, their inclusive vision provides an important model for the future of our movement.
On our departure day we had lunch at the church. A group of GPA members were there and greeted Mrs. Eu wholeheartedly, not just because she is an elder member but also to show appreciation for her book A Testimony. One of them said her book really moved his heart and helped him understand Father’s heart, and he was using it for witnessing.
Thank you, Denver!

Mrs. Eu visited a colorado history museum with Mike and Adonia's family.

Annalisa Moonhee Hentrich, Mike and Adonia's fourth child, whose middle name was given by Mrs. Eu in her last US tour

We visited the Rocky Mountains, where we were greeted by big horn sheep, an occasion that is said to be an extremely rare.

With GPA members

A Colorado blessed couple was featured in a local newspaper, which the headquarters touted as the best ever article about our movement.