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On the day before the program we visited a museum for Dallas history. Among the people who went with us were Matt and Sawa, who had in fact been engaged on the same day. Matt is a first generation, while Sawa is a second generation. It is rare to see such a young first generation, so I was curious how he joined. To my surprise, he said he joined at the age of 17, and now, at 25, he is serving as an assistant pastor in Arkansas. He came to know about our church through the family of Rev. Jackson, currently the pastor of Dallas. “I asked him (one of Jackson sons) why he was not dating, and that’s how it all got started,” said Matt. He was an unhappy Christian, and left the God of judgment for the God of heart. With Matt, I see hope for American teenagers. Matt and Sawa, I wish you all the happiness, and may you build a beautiful family!

After our program in the morning, we were invited to “American Museum of God”. “What is a museum of God?” I wondered. It turned out to be Jon and Yoshiko’s house turned into a museum of fossils and rare stones. Jon has been an avid collector of these objects and sees God’s nature manifested in them. He says the museum has served as a great way of breaking the ice with people and sharing True Parents’ teaching. Jon and Yoshiko, it was a beautiful little museum, and thank you for showing it to us!

In the evening we were treated to a buffet dinner, where we met a Korean member Se Oh Hwang, who was very enthusiastic about Mrs. Eu’s book A Testimony to God’s Word. He said he was deeply struck by her following remark about True Father: “He had nothing, and he had everything.” After joining 2 years ago, he still had doubts about Father. However, after reading the book, “All my doubts about Father were completely gone,” said he. Then Mrs. Eu talked about her experience with Father and how she came to write the book. Mr. Hwang kept saying, “I must be a very lucky man to meet you.” It was a touching evening, and I was grateful to be able to witness it as her son.

Thank you, Dallas!

Matt and Sawa with Mrs. Eu

The American Museum of God

Prepostaurus consists of over 1600 separate fossils found by Jon between 1965 and 1996, and it took him one year to put it together.

Jon and Yoshiko and Rev. Lee, who took care of us so dedicatedly




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48, Tongil-ro 39-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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Our Korean newsletter website will update on our second and third generation Principle workshops


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