First and Second D.P. Workshop with 27th Class Students
Some of our best students assist the adult lecturers in their classes. Our Intermediate class is taught by a second generation with two...

Studying the Divine Principle in English
Our English class is taught by Lecturer In Ja Ji. The class studies one page of the 3-hour manual in English once a week. Students learn...

34th Principle Class for Adults
Our 34th class members have finished their studies with us.

At Cheong Pyeong
Mrs. Gil Ja Sa Eu was at Cheong Pyeong to talk about lecturer education to participants of 40-day workshop. She took photographs with the...

Won Jeon
Although the weather was hot, we went to Won Jeon to pray together.

2013 Year-End Meeting with Our Supporters and Lecturers
Thank you very much for everyone who participated in our annual meeting. May your families by full of True Parents' and God's blessing in...

HUWP Participated in Cheon Bok Parade
We participated in a parade celebrating True Parents' Birthday on January 24th, 2012 (January 2nd, 3rd Year of Cheon-gi by the lunar...

2011 Year-End Meeting with Our Supporters and Lecturers
Thank you very much for everyone who participated in our end of year meeting. May your families be full of True Parents' blessing in...

Fourth D.P. Training Workshop with the 12th Class Students
Some of the photos from the fourth and the last workshop with the 12th class students. Well done for everyone! Many of us brought red...

Third D.P. Training Workshop with the 12th Class Students
Photographs from the third workshop with the 12th class.