The 1-Hour and 3-Hour lecture manuals are now available in the US.
Please visit HSA Books to order from their website.
The lecture manuals are located in Catalogue > Resources on the website menu.



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ⓒ 12-Hour Lecture Manual: $30 (*will be restocked on HSA Books website)
ⓓ Divine Principle Lecture Manual (3-Hour Expanded Edition): $25
ⓔ Studying the Principle with Mom and Dad: $12
ⓕ Danbury and American Providence: $25
ⓖ A Testimony to God's Words: $20
ⓗ Father's Words on the Divine Principle I: $5
ⓘ Father's Words on the Divine Principle II: $5
Please fill in the order form below to place an order. As most of these books have to be sent from Korea, any order will incur some shipping fee based on weight.
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